Thursday, February 02, 2023


Oh look at them
Those girls with curls
The sunlight enchantingly trapped
In each lock, in each twirl.

Their graceful glide
Their tinkling laughter
The entrancing beauties
That spelt disaster

And then I saw her
Trapped under her spell
Her glorious hair
Such beauty none could tell

And the wind blowing
Fondling with her hair
Each curl gave a kiss
On her skin so fair

Ooh! Was I jealous
Of the locks on her nape
Of the feel they got
With every drape

Was she a goddess?
Someone divine?
Nah! She was more than that
She was mine

And with that confidence
And with that pride
My smile grew bigger
In every stride.

Oh yes once I did falter
And once I did freeze
For my goddess then
Disarmed a smile at me

A shiver went thru
As she came closer
And I threw open my arms
To caress and hold her

Her smile widened
Her looks could kill
I skipped a heartbeat
It gave me a thrill

And then it happened
And then it came
The inevitable factor
Of blush, of shame

Oh what are you thinking?
Oh where wanders your mind?
Bring it back this instant
For your thoughts are kind

For what happened
In my love story
It held no greatness
It held no glory

Now, let us go back
To the time she was close
A beautiful disaster
Yes I was told.

She looked straight at me
With her teasing eyes
And a twist of her lips
A smirk, not a smile.

How I wish I could predict the future
How I wish I was a seer
For then I would’ve known
She’d call me her “brother dear”

At that moment I realized how ugly they were
Those disgustingly dirty twirls
Damn who cares about them?
Them, those girls with curls.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Time's a good teacher but without introspection it's nothing but a passing 'tick' with a dash of 'talk'.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Mind a wanderin.....

I sit among colours, dreams and visions. Awake each day amidst beautiful words. Each day I stare at them, those words. Each day I see numbers, yes those I know. Then there are times when I hear snippets, boys and girls whispering with excitement. They forget me but I listen. It makes me smile. For each day I hope to learn something, to finally know what is inside that I hold so tight, what I keep so close to me each night. I know I'm old, but someday I'll learn and sleep with a paper holding words I've drawn. 

Wednesday, January 07, 2015


Each day I get just a little more lonely,
Each day I decide this is it, I am ending the cycle,
Each day I make a call...
No, many...
Most get missed, some graced
But the moment we string our words
I forget, I forget all that loneliness
All the envy, all the anger
And then we start again
And the cycle begins....

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Average Human

I am the average human 
The one who watches
The one who secretly cheers
The one who is grateful
To those who condemn my fears
The one who shames easily
The one who sits quiet
The one who stays nameless
For reasons of a staple 'moral' diet
I am the average human
I put my family first
No, I put it's societal position first
I am the one who thanks each day
The shouts and slogans
I am the one who embraces the change I want but never fought for
I am the woman who keeps quiet till she is married because once that aim is achieved she can speak up or get drunk
I am the man who watches atrocities but smiles through it because I can't fight back physically or financially
I am she who watches and prays for change
I am he who watches and prays for change
I am the quiet support who can be nulled
I am the average human

Sunday, July 06, 2014

a thing of beauty...

How magnificent this is,
shimmering beautiful
twinkling in the sunlight
bathing under the moonbeams
owners pride
sellers joy
a thing of beauty
what began as an ugly clay
a big lump of ugly clay 
so dull with no finish
laundering about merry as can be
ugly looking, too real with no finesse
no none at all
no finesse this does possess
but now...
the glamour the glitter
the delicate tinkle like laughter coming from within
just like beautiful music
deep within such a magnificent empty little tiny vase.....

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Of Distant Dreams

for everyone is doing well old friend..
and look at you...

you have no story to tell..
no songs to be pages to be filled

all around you...people are see them dreaming and then living them through...
you were a dreamer had a thought...a goal...
so as the years passed by...the dreams grew dim...and others shone...

so bright so sharp...that those dreams grew dim
and the candle that you held...danced one last time
you never never made a sound..

and so...quietly into the night...a shadow was formed...
and it's growing...ever growing...
for the light has moved...further...

you still have a chance...rush into the light
or soon...the shadows too will leave you alone...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A special request....

Hello everyone...I hope I can ask ya'll for a favour. Recently a friend of mine and I were discussing our poems and the topic of our best works sorta came up. Well one thing led to another and we thought why not get a general idea of the best poems we have written. I thought the best way to do that is ask my  friends and fellow bloggers here to help me with that. I know some of you havent seen or read all my poems but I hope you enjoyed a few of them. So please take out some time and tell me about your favourites. You could give them to me in the order you liked them or even if u think a poem has the potential to be better if I work on it...any and every thought on any poem or my blog or my style or anything really is welcome. I would love to hear from you...

A thank you in advance...I know this would also help me learn and make me wanna write better..

:) Cheers!!

Yours as always...


Sunday, April 08, 2012

Scribbled some thoughts.....have you?

Have you ever teared up on a song that should’ve made you dance?
Have you ever closed your eyes to really shut your thoughts and not to sway your hips?
Have you ever wanted to smile and cry under a shower that made you hum a tune you thought you had forgotten?
Have you ever hugged yourself so tight and parted your lips in hope that an arm would slither behind you?
Have you made a face at romcoms and yet sneaked through them knowing exactly how the actors felt?
Have you kept the hope to love again…or have you lost all hope to try once more?
Have you still any hope that someone out there would make you feel you belonged again?
Have you decided to let things go, or hold on to them so tight you forget to breathe?
For life just sinks, ever so slowly, pulling you down…down…
The question is…can you save yourself?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

When we grow up...

And so we'd jumped and so we'd laughed
For summer had come
That summer so harsh
No school, no teachers
O joy, O joy
We'd jumped and jumped and jumped

And so we'd played for days and days
And then we'd danced some too
And kids were we and friends were we
Was that class one or two?

Our eyes and hearts were filled with joy
And we loved the flowers
And we loved the toys
And jumping jacks and crazy dolls
We sang and danced both girls and boys

But soon, so soon, O how soon it was
That mother began to call
Each time I left my house she cried
I want you back soon, you can't be late
I want you back much before nightfall

But I'd be with my friend at home
So why was she so sour
Afterall we'd always jumped and laughed and rolled about
At his place past our wee hour

But mother looked oh so stern,
Her eyes were forbidding
So stern she looked, so thus I kept shut
But yet I thought it was wrong of her
And decided to give her a slip, a cut

So both of us, my friend and I
Ran across through town
Ran off towards the zoo
We laughed and jumped, and jumped and laughed
And like the chimp, we mimicked too

Oh fun what fun, and oh what cheer
We giggled and giggled and giggled some more
Took a journey back all the way through
I ignored my thoughts, ignored her words
And went back to my old boy blue

And soon we thought we need to rest
For jump we did all day
A yawn escaped our lips, a sigh
Our lids began to sway

And so we lay, so tired but happy
Just as those cherubic angels as were we
We smiled our special smile together
Like we did since we were three

And so we slept, and slept some more
Smiling through the sound
Of a slight snore my little friend bore
And an arm to arm around

And soon it was morning and I awoke
A smile, with a feeling bright
For my friend was still snoring and snoring away
So thus I tread, with a hope
And still a smile so slight.

And skipping and hopping I smiled, I smirked
A tub of water that's all I needed
Snore! Snore! Snore!
With shaking shoulders I muffled a laugh
And WHOOSH! Water galore.

How he squealed, and how I squeaked
A peal of laughter, a guffaw so loud
And so was to begin a long long summer
With friends and games and laughter

But then a look ever so slight
A slip, a frown and a hurried smile
For we were quick to smirk it out
To laugh and forget and laugh some more

And soon I left, for house to home
For after those moments few
We still laugh and still shout and still giggle
But I haven't gone back,
And I've haven't jumped too


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