I am the average human
The one who watches
The one who secretly cheers
The one who is grateful
To those who condemn my fears
The one who shames easily
The one who sits quiet
The one who stays namelessThe one who watches
The one who secretly cheers
The one who is grateful
To those who condemn my fears
The one who shames easily
The one who sits quiet
For reasons of a staple 'moral' diet
I am the average human
I put my family first
No, I put it's societal position first
I am the one who thanks each day
The shouts and slogans
I am the one who embraces the change I want but never fought for
I am the woman who keeps quiet till she is married because once that aim is achieved she can speak up or get drunk
I am the man who watches atrocities but smiles through it because I can't fight back physically or financially
I am she who watches and prays for change
I am he who watches and prays for change
I am the quiet support who can be nulled
I am the average human