Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Mind a wanderin.....

I sit among colours, dreams and visions. Awake each day amidst beautiful words. Each day I stare at them, those words. Each day I see numbers, yes those I know. Then there are times when I hear snippets, boys and girls whispering with excitement. They forget me but I listen. It makes me smile. For each day I hope to learn something, to finally know what is inside that I hold so tight, what I keep so close to me each night. I know I'm old, but someday I'll learn and sleep with a paper holding words I've drawn. 

Wednesday, January 07, 2015


Each day I get just a little more lonely,
Each day I decide this is it, I am ending the cycle,
Each day I make a call...
No, many...
Most get missed, some graced
But the moment we string our words
I forget, I forget all that loneliness
All the envy, all the anger
And then we start again
And the cycle begins....


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