Monday, October 30, 2006

To You, Oh Woman

Hush my love, do not speak
And let the time be still
For let me drink your exquisite beauty
And enchantingly be intoxicated by it

Oh how you blush by my embrace
Such innocence
Such grace
Thus none can decline
What’s rightfully mine
And go so fully insane

Those deep blue eyes, those soft pink lips
Are mine to explore
For I want to paint you into the depths
To the canvas of my hearts core

Have you come my love straight from heaven
Or are you a child
Nature hath made so pure
Answer me my love
How are you so handsome
That angels sing your praises
At the heaven’s door

The twinkle in your eyes
The smile on your lips
And that whisper of my name
That tender touch, leaves a pain such
That a nymph would be ashamed

Promise me, Pride of Venus
That you would never leave me for more
For Gods would make
No other so Belle
As the world could not have
Another Kohinoor.

1 comment:

Tushar Mangl said...

Now this aashi always puts me in fav poem was yu shuld have told then that unfulfilled was also a fav.......choices too was good...Damm how i choose which is the best...
From a man point of view this poem is fantastic...yur projection of a sequence is too good aashi ...
yur expressive values are too good
Now i am going to put yu in tough spot dear.......
To write a poem better than this would be a challenge lets see if yu accept it


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